Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > fbi_ndex.xsd > ndex:DomesticViolenceLevelCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a code that identifies the level of domestic violence involved in the incident.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      BODILY IMPAIRMENTBodily impairment
      CAUSED VICTIM EXTREME FEARCaused victim extreme fear
      MADE TERRORISTIC THREATSMade terroristic threats
      MULTIPLE BLOWS, MINOR INJURYMultiple blows, minor injury
      MULTIPLE BLOWS, SEVERE ABRASIONS OR INJURYMultiple blows, severe abrasions or injury
      MULTIPLE BLOWS, SIGNIFICANT BRUISINGMultiple blows, significant bruising
      SIGNIFICANT PAINSignificant pain
      SINGLE BLOW OR MINOR INJURYSingle blow or minor injury
      THREATENED WITH WEAPONThreatened with weapon
      USED WEAPON DURING INCIDENTUsed weapon during incident
      VICTIM REQUIRED MEDICAL ATTENTIONVictim required medical attention
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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