Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > emergencyManagement.xsd > em:AlertCategoryCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a code set denoting the type of alert message.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      AckAcknowledgment of receipt of an earlier message
      CancelA cancellation or revocation of a previous message
      DispatchA commitment of resources or assistance
      ErrorRejection of an earlier message (for technical reasons)
      ReportNew information regarding an incident or activity
      RequestA request for resources, information or action
      ResponseA response to a previous request
      SensorConfigurationThese messages are for reporting configuration during power up or after Installation or Maintenance.
      SensorControlThese are messages used to control sensors/sensor concentrator components behavior.
      SensorDetectionThese are high priority messages which report sensor detections.
      SensorStatusThese are concise messages which report sensors/sensor concentrator component status or state of health.
      UpdateUpdated information superseding a previous message
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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