Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > cbrncl.xsd > cbrncl:CalibrationKindCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a kind of calibration (e.g., Energy, FWHM, ...).

Simple type information

NIEM properties:


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      IntrinsicTotalEfficiencyThe ratio of the total gamma ray counts in the spectrum to those striking the detector
      AbsoluteFull-EnergyPeakEfficiencyThe ratio of gamma ray counts in the full energy photopeak to those emitted by the source
      IntrinsicFull-EnergyPeakEfficiencyThe ratio of gamma ray counts in the full energy photopeak to those striking the detector
      Otherany other relevant calibration information
      CountstoExposureThe parameter(s) that relate detector counts to radiation exposure
      CountstoDoseThe parameter(s) that relate detector counts to radiation dose
      EnergyThe energy calibration of the spectrometer in the general units of energy/channel
      CountstoAbsorbedDoseThe parameter(s) that relate detector counts to absorbed radiation dose
      FWHMThe spectrometers resolution vs. energy profile
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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