Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > fbi.xsd > fbi:LITCodeSimpleType
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A data type for License Type.

Simple type information

NIEM properties:


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      APApportionedThe word "APPORTIONED" must appearon the plate.
      AQAntiqueIncludes classic, historic, streetrod, pioneer, horseless carriage,vintage, or collector seri
      ARAmateur Radio or Citizen's BandRadio OperatorAlso called "HAM Radio Operator".
      ATAll-terrain vehiclesIn instances where a license platehas been issued.
      BUBusChurch, scouting franchise, school,public/private carrier, etc. SeeSchool Vehicle for school bus
      CCConsular Corps
      CICity-Owned or Municipal Vehicle
      CLCollegiateIncludes colleges and universities.
      CMCommemorativeIncludes bicentennials, centennials,Pearl Harbor Survivor, andstatehood anniversaries.
      CNConservationIncludes highway beautification,soil conservation, and wildlife(wild life includes birds
      CUCounty-Owned Vehicle
      DBDune Buggy
      DLDealerDoes not apply to motorcycle dealer.
      DPDiplomaticIncludes diplomat and diplomatic.staff
      DUDuplicate, Reissue, or ReplacementOnly if this is so indicated on theplate.
      DVDisabled Veteran
      DXDisabled PersonEntitles person to certain parkingprivileges. Also see HandicappedPerson.
      EXExemptAll types of vehicles can displayan exempt plate.
      FDFire DepartmentFor volunteer fire dept. andprivately operated fire dept.plates. See City-Owned for c
      FGForeign Government
      FMFarm Vehicleincludes farm and agriculture plates
      HIHearing Impaired
      IPInternational Plate
      ITIn-TransitType of temporary plate.
      JJJudge or Justice
      LELegislative, U. S.Member of U.S. Congress.
      LFLaw EnforcementPolice department, state police,sheriff, etc.
      LSLegislative, StateSenator, Representative,assembly-man, delegate, etc.
      MCMotorcycleMotorized bikes & motorscooters areregistered as motorcycles in somestates.
      MDMotorcycle Dealer
      MLMilitary Vehicle, Canadian
      MRArmed Forces ReservistPersonally owned vehicle plates.
      MVMilitary Vehicle, U. S.
      MYMilitaryAny type of military aircraftregardless of design or primaryuse.
      NGNational Guard MemberPersonally owned vehicle plates.
      NPCivilian, NonpassengerIncludes all civilian aircraftdesigned and/or used for purposesother than tran
      OBOmnibus"OMNIBUS" must appear on the plate.
      OROrganizationIncludes Girl Scouts, Kiwanis,Knights of Columbus, LadiesAuxiliary, and Masons.
      PCRegular Passenger Automobile Plates
      PEPersonalized/CustomizedAll types of vehicles.
      PFProfessionsIncludes architects, chiropractors,educators, engineers, nurses,visiting nurses. DO NOT u
      PPCivilian, PassengerIncludes all civilian aircraftdesigned and/or used primarilyfor transporting pass
      PRPressIncludes news media/televison andnews photographers.
      PSProfessional Sports Team
      REReciprocal (or Reciprocity)
      RVRented Vehicle or TrailerIncludes Livery.
      SCSpecial Purpose Commercial VehicleStreet cleaners, welding trucks,etc.
      SNSnowmolileIn instances where a license platehas been issued.
      STState-Owned VehicleIncludes highway department,department of public safety, etc.
      SVSchool VehicleIncludes school bus & drivereducation car.
      TLTrailerBoat, camper, cargo, travel, house,mobile home, semi, utility, etc.
      USU. S. Government Vehicles
      VFMedal of Honor
      ZZAll-terrain vehicles and snowmobilesFor all-terrain vehicles andsnowmobiles displaying aregistration
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