Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > LandXML-1.1.xsd > land:Struct
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Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA


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Each Struct within a Structs collection element must have a unique  "name" attribute.
The structure type is determined by the existance of one of the following elements: CircStruct or RectStruct.
The Center element will contain the "north east" coordinate text value or a CgPoint "refPnt" attribute.
Each Invert element contains a "refPipe" attribute to reference a Pipe element  "name"

Element information

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified



name [1..1]xsd:string
desc [0..1]xsd:string
elevRim [0..1]xsd:double
elevSump [0..1]xsd:double
oID [0..1]xsd:string
state [0..1]land:stateType

Used in

Sample instance

<land:Struct name="string">
   <land:Center>Any text, intermingled with:1.0 1.0</land:Center>
   <land:CircStruct diameter="1.0">
         <!--any element-->
   <land:Invert elev="1.0" flowDir="in" refPipe="string"/>
   <land:StructFlow lossIn="1.0" lossOut="1.0">
         <!--any element-->
      <!--any element-->

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