Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > LandXML-1.1.xsd > land:ReducedArcObservation
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As we discussed this element is used to provide measured information for calculating boundary arcs. The definition information required is quite different to the curve element

Element information

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified



purpose [0..1]land:purposeType
setupID [0..1]xsd:IDREF
targetSetupID [0..1]xsd:IDREF
setID [0..1]xsd:anySimpleType
chordAzimuth [1..1]land:direction
radius [1..1]xsd:double
length [1..1]xsd:double
rot [1..1]land:clockwise
equipmentUsed [0..1]xsd:string
arcAzimuthAccuracy [0..1]xsd:double
arcLengthAccuracy [0..1]xsd:double
date [0..1]xsd:date
arcType [0..1]xsd:string
adoptedSurvey [0..1]xsd:string
lengthAccClass [0..1]xsd:string
azimuthAccClass [0..1]xsd:string
azimuthAdoptionFactor [0..1]xsd:double
lengthAdoptionFactor [0..1]xsd:double
coordGeomRefs [0..1]land:coordGeomNameRefs
name [0..1]xsd:string
desc [0..1]xsd:string
state [0..1]land:stateType
oID [0..1]xsd:string

Used in

Sample instance

<land:ReducedArcObservation chordAzimuth="1.0" radius="1.0" length="1.0" rot="cw" date="2000-01-01">
   <land:TargetPoint>Any text, intermingled with:1.0 1.0</land:TargetPoint>
   <land:FieldNote>Any text, intermingled with:
      <!--any element-->

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