A data type for a code that identifies the type of audio visual recording.
Simple type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/3.1/
Schema document: codes/fbi_ndex/3.1/fbi_ndex.xsd
Valid value Description AUDIO_COMPACT DISC Audio_Compact Disc (CD) AUDIO_LASER COMPACT DISC Audio_Laser Compact Disc (CD) AUDIO_PHONOGRAPH RECORD Audio_Phonograph Record AUDIO TAPE Audio Tape (all types) AUDIO TAPE_CASSETTES Audio Tape_Cassettes AUDIO TAPE_REEL Audio Tape_Reel VIDEO_DISK Video_Disk (CED, videodisc, laser video disk, LV, reflective optical video disk) VIDEO_DVD Video_DVD VIDEO_ FILM Video_ Film VIDEO_SLIDE Video_Slide VIDEO_TAPE Video_Tape VIDEO_TAPE_BETA Video_Tape_Beta VIDEO_TAPE_VHS Video_Tape_VHS
Used by
- Element j:AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCode via derived type ndex:AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- ndex:AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeSimpleType
- extended by ndex:AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeType
- ndex:AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeSimpleType