Element information
Namespace: http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML
Schema document: mathml3-presentation.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Choice [0..*]
- m:apply
- m:bind
- m:ci
- m:cn
- m:csymbol
- m:cbytes
- m:cerror
- m:cs
- m:share
- m:piecewise
- m:interval [1..1]
- m:lambda [1..1]
- m:compose [1..1]
- m:not [1..1]
- m:int [1..1]
- m:diff [1..1]
- m:partialdiff [1..1]
- m:card [1..1]
- m:sum [1..1]
- m:product [1..1]
- m:limit [1..1]
- m:selector [1..1]
from group m:ContExpfrom subst. group m:DeprecatedContExpfrom subst. group m:interval.classfrom subst. group m:unary-functional.classfrom subst. group m:lambda.classfrom subst. group m:nary-functional.classfrom group m:binary-arith.classfrom group m:unary-arith.classfrom subst. group m:nary-minmax.classfrom subst. group m:nary-arith.classfrom subst. group m:nary-logical.classfrom subst. group m:unary-logical.classfrom subst. group m:binary-logical.classfrom subst. group m:quantifier.classfrom subst. group m:binary-reln.classfrom subst. group m:int.classfrom subst. group m:Differential-Operator.classfrom subst. group m:partialdiff.classfrom subst. group m:unary-veccalc.classfrom subst. group m:nary-setlist-constructor.classfrom subst. group m:nary-set.classfrom subst. group m:binary-set.classfrom subst. group m:nary-set-reln.classfrom subst. group m:unary-set.classfrom subst. group m:sum.classfrom subst. group m:product.classfrom subst. group m:limit.classfrom subst. group m:unary-elementary.classfrom subst. group m:nary-stats.classfrom subst. group m:nary-constructor.classfrom subst. group m:unary-linalg.classfrom subst. group m:nary-linalg.classfrom subst. group m:binary-linalg.classfrom subst. group m:constant-set.classfrom subst. group m:constant-arith.classfrom subst. group m:PresentationExpressionfrom group m:semantics
from type m:ImpliedMrow
from group m:MathExpression
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group m:CommonAtt | |
xref | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | from group m:CommonAtt | |
class | [0..1] | xsd:NMTOKENS | from group m:CommonAtt | |
style | [0..1] | xsd:string | from group m:CommonAtt | |
href | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from group m:CommonAtt | |
other | [0..1] | xsd:anySimpleType | from group m:CommonDeprecatedAtt | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: skip | from group m:CommonAtt | |
mathcolor | [0..1] | m:color | from group m:CommonPresAtt | |
mathbackground | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group m:CommonPresAtt |
Used in
- Group m:MathExpression
- Type m:ci.content
- Type m:cn.content
- Type m:csymbol.content
- Anonymous type of element m:TableCellExpression via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:annotation-xml via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:ci via extension of m:ci.content
- Anonymous type of element m:cn via extension of m:cn.content
- Anonymous type of element m:csymbol via extension of m:csymbol.content
- Anonymous type of element m:maction via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:math via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:menclose via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:merror via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mfenced via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mfrac via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mlongdiv via reference to m:MstackExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mmultiscripts via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mmultiscripts via reference to m:MultiScriptExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mover via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mpadded via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mphantom via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mroot via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mrow via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mscarries via reference to m:MsrowExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mscarry via reference to m:MsrowExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:msgroup via reference to m:MstackExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:msqrt via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:msrow via reference to m:MsrowExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mstack via reference to m:MstackExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mstyle via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:msub via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:msubsup via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:msup via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:mtd via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:munder via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:munderover via reference to m:MathExpression
- Anonymous type of element m:semantics via reference to m:MathExpression
- Group m:MsrowExpression via reference to m:MathExpression
- Group m:MstackExpression via reference to m:MathExpression
- Group m:MultiScriptExpression via reference to m:MathExpression
- Type m:ImpliedMrow via reference to m:MathExpression
- Type m:annotation-xml.model via reference to m:MathExpression
Substitution hierarchy
- m:PresentationExpression
- can be substituted with m:mphantom
Sample instance
<m:mphantom> <m:apply> <m:apply> <m:apply>... </m:apply> <m:bvar>... </m:bvar> <m:domainofapplication>... </m:domainofapplication> <m:apply>... </m:apply> </m:apply> <m:bvar> <m:ci>... </m:ci> </m:bvar> <m:domainofapplication> <m:apply>... </m:apply> </m:domainofapplication> <m:apply> <m:apply>... </m:apply> <m:bvar>... </m:bvar> <m:domainofapplication>... </m:domainofapplication> <m:apply>... </m:apply> </m:apply> </m:apply> </m:mphantom>