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FunctX XQuery Functions


The built-in type of an atomic value



The functx:atomic-type function checks the types of one or more atomic values and returns their type names. It will only work for built-in atomic types; if the value has a user-defined atomic type, the function will return the built-in type upon which the user-defined type is based. If $values is the empty sequence, it will return "empty sequence".

Arguments and Return Type

$values xs:anyAtomicType* the value(s) whose type you want to determine
return value xs:string*

XQuery Function Declaration

See XSLT definition.
declare namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com";
declare function functx:atomic-type
  ( $values as xs:anyAtomicType* )  as xs:string* {

 for $val in $values
 (if ($val instance of xs:untypedAtomic) then 'xs:untypedAtomic'
 else if ($val instance of xs:anyURI) then 'xs:anyURI'
 else if ($val instance of xs:ENTITY) then 'xs:ENTITY'
 else if ($val instance of xs:ID) then 'xs:ID'
 else if ($val instance of xs:NMTOKEN) then 'xs:NMTOKEN'
 else if ($val instance of xs:language) then 'xs:language'
 else if ($val instance of xs:NCName) then 'xs:NCName'
 else if ($val instance of xs:Name) then 'xs:Name'
 else if ($val instance of xs:token) then 'xs:token'
 else if ($val instance of xs:normalizedString)
         then 'xs:normalizedString'
 else if ($val instance of xs:string) then 'xs:string'
 else if ($val instance of xs:QName) then 'xs:QName'
 else if ($val instance of xs:boolean) then 'xs:boolean'
 else if ($val instance of xs:base64Binary) then 'xs:base64Binary'
 else if ($val instance of xs:hexBinary) then 'xs:hexBinary'
 else if ($val instance of xs:byte) then 'xs:byte'
 else if ($val instance of xs:short) then 'xs:short'
 else if ($val instance of xs:int) then 'xs:int'
 else if ($val instance of xs:long) then 'xs:long'
 else if ($val instance of xs:unsignedByte) then 'xs:unsignedByte'
 else if ($val instance of xs:unsignedShort) then 'xs:unsignedShort'
 else if ($val instance of xs:unsignedInt) then 'xs:unsignedInt'
 else if ($val instance of xs:unsignedLong) then 'xs:unsignedLong'
 else if ($val instance of xs:positiveInteger)
         then 'xs:positiveInteger'
 else if ($val instance of xs:nonNegativeInteger)
         then 'xs:nonNegativeInteger'
 else if ($val instance of xs:negativeInteger)
         then 'xs:negativeInteger'
 else if ($val instance of xs:nonPositiveInteger)
         then 'xs:nonPositiveInteger'
 else if ($val instance of xs:integer) then 'xs:integer'
 else if ($val instance of xs:decimal) then 'xs:decimal'
 else if ($val instance of xs:float) then 'xs:float'
 else if ($val instance of xs:double) then 'xs:double'
 else if ($val instance of xs:date) then 'xs:date'
 else if ($val instance of xs:time) then 'xs:time'
 else if ($val instance of xs:dateTime) then 'xs:dateTime'
 else if ($val instance of xs:dayTimeDuration)
         then 'xs:dayTimeDuration'
 else if ($val instance of xs:yearMonthDuration)
         then 'xs:yearMonthDuration'
 else if ($val instance of xs:duration) then 'xs:duration'
 else if ($val instance of xs:gMonth) then 'xs:gMonth'
 else if ($val instance of xs:gYear) then 'xs:gYear'
 else if ($val instance of xs:gYearMonth) then 'xs:gYearMonth'
 else if ($val instance of xs:gDay) then 'xs:gDay'
 else if ($val instance of xs:gMonthDay) then 'xs:gMonthDay'
 else 'unknown')
 } ;


XQuery ExampleResults


Published OnLast UpdatedContributor(s)
2006-06-272007-02-26Priscilla Walmsley, Datypic, pwalmsley@datypic.com, http://www.datypic.com
Datypic XQuery Services

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