Element information
Schema document: wsdl20.xsd
Type: wsdl:DocumentationType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- Any element [0..*] Namespace: ##any, Process Contents: lax
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax |
Used in
- Type wsdl:DocumentedType
- Anonymous type of element whttp:header via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType
- Anonymous type of element wsoap:header via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType
- Anonymous type of element wsoap:module via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType
- Type wsdl:ExtensibleDocumentedType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType
- Type wsdl:BindingFaultType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:fault)
- Type wsdl:BindingOperationType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:operation)
- Type wsdl:BindingType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:binding)
- Type wsdl:DescriptionType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:description)
- Type wsdl:EndpointType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:endpoint)
- Type wsdl:ImportType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:import)
- Type wsdl:IncludeType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:include)
- Type wsdl:InterfaceFaultType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:fault)
- Type wsdl:InterfaceOperationType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:operation)
- Type wsdl:InterfaceType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:interface)
- Type wsdl:ServiceType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:service)
- Type wsdl:TypesType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Element wsdl:types)
- Type wsdl:BindingOperationFaultType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Elements wsdl:infault, wsdl:outfault)
- Type wsdl:BindingOperationMessageType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Elements wsdl:input, wsdl:output)
- Type wsdl:MessageRefFaultType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Elements wsdl:infault, wsdl:outfault)
- Type wsdl:MessageRefType via extension of wsdl:DocumentedType (Elements wsdl:input, wsdl:output)
Sample instance
<wsdl:documentation> This document describes the GreatH Web service. Additional application-level requirements for use of this service -- beyond what WSDL 2.0 is able to describe -- are available at </wsdl:documentation>