Schema Central  >  UBL 2.3  >  UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd  >  cac:OrderLine
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Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2

Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd

Type: cac:OrderLineType

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Sequence [1..1]
    1. ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
    2. cbc:SubstitutionStatusCode [0..1]A code signifying the substitution status of the item on this order line. The order line may indicate that the substitute is proposed by the buyer (in Order) or by the seller (in Order Response) or that a substitution has been made by the seller (in Order Response).
    3. cbc:Note [0..*]Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
    4. cac:LineItem [1..1]The line item itself.
    5. cac:SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem [0..*]In Order Response, a line item proposed by the seller describing a product that might substitute for the product described in this order line.
    6. cac:SellerSubstitutedLineItem [0..*]In Order Response, a line item that has replaced the original order line item. The specified quantity and pricing may differ from those in the original line item, but when a line item is substituted by the seller, it is assumed that other information, such as shipment details, will remain the same.
    7. cac:BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem [0..*]A description of an item proposed by the buyer as a possible alternative to the item associated with this order line.
    8. cac:CatalogueLineReference [0..1]A reference to a catalogue line associated with this order line.
    9. cac:QuotationLineReference [0..1]A reference to a quotation line associated with this order line.
    10. cac:OrderLineReference [0..*]A reference to another order line, such as in a replacement order or another line on the same order that is related.
    11. cac:DocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document associated with this order line.



Used in

Sample instance

   <cbc:Note>this is an illustrative order line</cbc:Note>
      <cbc:Quantity unitCode="KGM">100</cbc:Quantity>
      <cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="USD">1000.00</cbc:LineExtensionAmount>
         <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="USD">10.00</cbc:PriceAmount>
         <cbc:BaseQuantity unitCode="KGM">1</cbc:BaseQuantity>
         <cbc:Name>Acme Beeswax</cbc:Name>