Schema Central > OOXML > sml-sharedWorkbookRevisions.xsd > ssml:headers
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Revision Headers

Element information



guid [1..1]ssml:ST_GuidLast Revision GUID
lastGuid [0..1]ssml:ST_GuidLast GUID
shared [0..1]xsd:booleanShared WorkbookDefault value is "true".
diskRevisions [0..1]xsd:booleanDisk RevisionsDefault value is "false".
history [0..1]xsd:booleanHistoryDefault value is "true".
trackRevisions [0..1]xsd:booleanTrack RevisionsDefault value is "true".
exclusive [0..1]xsd:booleanExclusive ModeDefault value is "false".
revisionId [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntRevision IdDefault value is "0".
version [0..1]xsd:intVersionDefault value is "1".
keepChangeHistory [0..1]xsd:booleanKeep Change HistoryDefault value is "true".
protected [0..1]xsd:booleanProtectedDefault value is "false".
preserveHistory [0..1]xsd:unsignedIntPreserve HistoryDefault value is "30".

Sample instance

<ssml:headers guid="token">
   <ssml:header guid="token" dateTime="2000-01-01T12:00:00" maxSheetId="1" userName="string" r:id="string">
         <ssml:sheetId val="1"/>
         <ssml:reviewed rId="1"/>
            <!--any element-->

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