Schema Central > OAGIS® 9.4.1 > RemitLocationMethodCodeType
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Schema document: org_openapplications_platform/1_1_1/Common/OAGi/Components/Fields.xsd


  • Union of:
    • xsd:normalizedString
    • Based on xsd:normalizedString
      • Valid valueDescription
        FAXRemittance advice information needs to be faxed.
        EDIRemittance advice information needs to be sent through Electronic Data Interchange.
        URIRemittance advice information needs to be sent to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URI is a compact string of characters that uniquely identify an abstract or physical resource. URI's are the super-set of identifiers, such as URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc, and as such, provide the syntax for all of the identification schemes.
  • Attributes

    listID [0..1]NormalizedStringTypeThe identification of a list of codes.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    listAgencyID [0..1]NormalizedStringTypeAn agency that maintains one or more lists of codes.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    listAgencyName [0..1]StringTypeThe name of the agency that maintains the list of codes.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    listName [0..1]StringTypeThe name of a list of codes.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    listVersionID [0..1]NormalizedStringTypeThe version of the list of codes.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    name [0..1]StringTypeThe textual equivalent of the code content component.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    languageID [0..1]LanguageCodeContentTypeThe identifier of the language used in the code name.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    listURI [0..1]xsd:anyURIThe Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located.from group CodeListAttributeGroup
    listSchemeURI [0..1]xsd:anyURIThe Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located.from group CodeListAttributeGroup

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    Type inheritance chain

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