Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > GroupMember
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Information specifying the occurrence of the operations within an OperationGroup.  At least one occurrence of the GroupMember component is required for each occurrence of the OperationGroup component. Except for the request BODs which use the verbs Get and GetList.

Element information

Type: GroupMemberType

Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-3c9596c461c04585b0d71b1739c009b3



typeCode [0..1]CodeType_1E7368from type IdentificationType
actionCode [0..1]ActionCodeContentTypefrom type IdentificationType
sequenceNumber [0..1]NumberType_B98233When an object occurs multiple times, this sequence number can be used to provide the order.from type GroupMemberBaseType

Used in

Sample instance

            <!--any element-->
         <!--any element-->

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