Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > Change
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The Change verb is used when the sender of the BOD is not the owner of the data, but is sending a request for the document to be changed.An example of this is Change REQUISITN, where the original document needs to be changed based on a specific business event.

Element information

Type: ProcessType

Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-802a935a83f840699deb49bc79b6d423



recordSetStartNumber [0..1]PositiveIntegerNumberTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetCountNumber [0..1]PositiveIntegerNumberTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetTotalNumber [0..1]PositiveIntegerNumberTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetCompleteIndicator [0..1]IndicatorTypefrom type ActionVerbType
recordSetReferenceID [0..1]IDType_B3F14Efrom type ActionVerbType
acknowledgeCode [0..1]ResponseCodeContentType

Used in

Sample instance

      <ActionExpression actionCode="token">token</ActionExpression>

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