Schema Central > NIEM 3.1 > mo.xsd > mo:StandardIdentityCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a code describing the standard identity of a track; codes defined by MIL-STD-2525C.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      ASSUMED FRIENDA track which is assumed to be a friend because of its characteristics, behavior, or origin.
      FAKERA friendly track acting as a HOSTILE for exercise purposes.
      FRIENDA track belonging to a declared, presumed or recognized friendly nation, faction or group.
      HOSTILEA track declared to belong to any opposing nation, party, group, or entity, which by virtue of its behavior or information collected on it such as characteristics, origin or nationality contributes to the threat to friendly forces.
      JOKERA friendly track as a SUSPECT for exercise purposes.
      NEUTRALA track or contact whose characteristics, behaviour, origin or nationality indicate that it is neither supporting nor opposing friendly forces.
      SUSPECTAn identity applied to a track that is potentially hostile because of its characteristics, behaviour, origin or nationality.
      UNKNOWNAn identity applied to an evaluated track that has not been identified.
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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