An augmentation point for DocumentType.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
Type: xsd:anyType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Abstract
Used in
- Type cyfs:DependencyPetitionType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element cyfs:DependencyPetition)
- Type im:FileType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements im:AlienFile, im:File)
- Type it:AdditionalDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:AdditionalDocument)
- Type it:AdditionalInformationType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:AdditionalInformation)
- Type it:CustomsDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:CustomsDocument)
- Type it:DeclarationType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:Declaration)
- Type it:ItineraryType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements it:Itinerary, it:TransportMeansItinerary)
- Type it:PreviousCustomsDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements it:PreviousCustomDocument, it:PreviousCustomsDocument)
- Type it:TransportContractDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:TransportContractDocument)
- Type it:UCRType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:UCR)
- Type j:AppellateCaseNoticeType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element j:AppellateCaseNotice)
- Type j:RapSheetType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element j:RapSheet)
- Type m:CertificateType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements m:Certificate, m:VesselDOCCertificate, m:VesselSafetyManagementCertificate)
- Type m:InternationalShipSecurityCertificateType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element m:VesselISSC)
- Type nc:DocumentType (Elements em:NotificationDetailsDocument, it:AssociatedTransportDocument, j:AppellateCaseBrief, j:ChargeInstrument, j:ChargeModificationInstrument, j:ChargeNarrative, j:SupervisionBoardActionDocument ...more)
- Type nc:ManifestType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element nc:Manifest)
- Type nc:PassportType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element nc:Passport)
- Type scr:BenefitApplicationType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:BenefitApplication)
- Type scr:BenefitDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:BenefitDocument)
- Type scr:EnforcementDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:EnforcementDocument)
- Type scr:FlightPlanSummaryType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:FlightPlanSummary)
- Type scr:InterviewStatementType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:InterviewStatement)
- Type scr:ScreeningTravelDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:ScreeningTravelDocument)
- Type scr:TravelDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:TravelDocument)
- Type scr:VisaType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements m:PersonVisa, scr:Visa)
- Type scr:WatchlistType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:Watchlist)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:DocumentAugmentationPoint
- can be substituted with it:DocumentAugmentation
- can be substituted with j:DocumentAugmentation