Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > have.xsd > have:SubCategoryBedType
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The name of the sub-category bed type. Each bed type (AdultICU, MedicalSurgical, etc.) may optionally contain a collection of named sub-categories. Each bed type may have many one or more named sub-type categories. 
- If one or more sub category bed types are used, they must be preceded by the parent BedType element. In this case, CapacityStatus of the Bed Type CANNOT be Not Available. 
Each parent BedType element and its associated sub-category bed types must be encapsulated with a BedCapacity element. 
If the capacity counts of sub-category beds are specified, they need not equal the capacity count of the parent bed type. 
In general, if capacities of are specified using sub-category bed types, then only the CapacityStatus of the parent bed type should be used, and this should reflect an Available value. 

Element information

Type: xsd:anyType

Properties: Local, Qualified, Block: extension


Used in

Sample instance

<have:SubCategoryBedType>any content</have:SubCategoryBedType>

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