Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > wfs.xsd > wfs:TransactionType
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            The TransactionType defines the Transaction operation.  A
            Transaction element contains one or more Insert, Update
            Delete and Native elements that allow a client application
            to create, modify or remove feature instances from the 
            feature repository that a Web Feature Service controls.

Complex type information



updateSequence [0..1]ows:UpdateSequenceTypeWhen omitted or not supported by server, server shall return latest complete service metadata document. from type ows:GetCapabilitiesType
releaseAction [0..1]wfs:AllSomeType The releaseAction attribute is used to control how a Web Feature service releases locks on feature instances after a Transaction request has been processed. Valid values are ALL or SOME. A value of ALL means that the Web Feature Service should release the locks of all feature instances locked with the specified lockId regardless or whether or not the features were actually modified. A value of SOME means that the Web Feature Service will only release the locks held on feature instances that were actually operated upon by the transaction. The lockId that the client application obtained shall remain valid and the other, unmodified, feature instances shall remain locked. If the expiry attribute was specified in the original operation that locked the feature instances, then the expiry counter will be reset to give the client application that same amount of time to post subsequent transactions against the locked features.

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Type inheritance chain

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