A mechanism used to indicate that an object in the Digest represents the same object as in a Structured Payload, or that an object in a Structured Payload represents the same object as in a different Structured Payload.
Element information
Namespace: http://ulex.gov/library/2.0
Schema document: ulex.gov/ulex-library/2.0/ulex-library.xsd
Type: ulexlib:SameAsConnectionType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- ulexlib:DigestObjectReference [0..1]An object in a Digest, which can be a high level object such as a Person or a Vehicle, or a lower level object such as a PersonName.
- ulexlib:StructuredPayloadObjectReference [1..*]An object in a Structured Payload.
Used in
- Type ulex:LinkagesType (Element ulex:Linkages)
Sample instance
<ulexlib:SameAsConnection> <ulexlib:DigestObjectReference ulexlib:validatingObjectReference="Incident1"/> <ulexlib:StructuredPayloadObjectReference ulexlib:structuredPayloadReference="Payload1" ulexlib:nonValidatingObjectReference="SPIncident1"/> </ulexlib:SameAsConnection>