Schema Central  >  LEXS 4.0  >  lexs-digest.xsd  >  lexsdigest:EntitySubstance
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A substance Entity.

Element information


Schema document:

Type: lexsdigest:EntitySubstanceType

Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable


  • Sequence [1..1]
    1. icism-metadata:ICISMMetadata [0..*]
    2. lexsdigest:Metadata [0..*]Metadata about an object.
    3. nc:Substance [1..1]A matter or substance of which something consists.
    4. em:Resource [0..*]Contains one or more defining attributes and any value from a discrete managed list that references the resource.
    5. j:ChargeVictim [0..*]A person or entity who is the victim of an offense designated by the charge.
    6. j:ForceVictim [0..*]A person who was a victim of force.
    7. j:IncidentVictim [0..*]A person that was negatively affected in an incident.
    8. j:Victim [0..*]Details about a person, organization, or other entity who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of an incident.
    9. nc:Property [0..*]A tangible or intangible item that can be owned or used.
    10. nc:Weapon [0..*]A property item used as in instrument of attack or defense.


s:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom type s:ComplexObjectType
s:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom type s:ComplexObjectType
s:linkMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom type s:ComplexObjectType

Used in

Substitution hierarchy

Sample instance

   <lexsdigest:Metadata s:id="MSubstance1">
      <nc:CommentText>This is a comment.</nc:CommentText>
   <nc:Substance s:id="Substance1" s:metadata="MSubstance1">
         <nc:IdentificationCategoryText>category description</nc:IdentificationCategoryText>
         <nc:IdentificationSourceText>some source</nc:IdentificationSourceText>
            <nc:StatusIssuerText>Pratt and Lambert</nc:StatusIssuerText>
         <nc:StatusText>in analysis lab</nc:StatusText>
         <nc:ItemValueAmount nc:currencyCode="USD">10</nc:ItemValueAmount>
         <nc:ItemValueDescriptionText>Retail Cost</nc:ItemValueDescriptionText>
      <nc:ItemCategoryText>Paint found at crime scene</nc:ItemCategoryText>
      <nc:ItemMakeName>Pratt and Lambert</nc:ItemMakeName>
      <nc:ItemModelName>Red Seal Interior Latex Satin Enamel</nc:ItemModelName>
      <nc:ItemSizeDescriptionText>large can</nc:ItemSizeDescriptionText>
      <nc:SubstanceFoundDescriptionText>Trunk of car</nc:SubstanceFoundDescriptionText>