Schema Central > IC-TDF > IC-NTK.xsd > ntk:access
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Used for portion marking access requirements. The format consists of a series of namespace-prefixed key-value pair sets. The '#' character is used to delimit between a series of access requirements which are all required and a series of requirements in which only one is required. The format of an access requirement consists of a namespace-prefix followed by sets of key-value pairs. The '|' character is used to separate the key-value pairs and the '^' character is used to join keys with their values. The characters '^', '|', and '#' are not allowed in namespace-prefixes, keys, and values. Multiple namespace-prefixed sets can be used. For example: ntk:access="namespace1|key1^value1|key2^value1|key2^value2 # namespace2|key1^value1 namespace3|key1^value1"ntk:access="# namespace1|key1^value1 namespace2|key1^value1|key2^value2"ntk:access="namespace1|key1^value1|key2^val2 namespace1|key1^value3 #"

Attribute information

Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ntk

Schema document: NTK/IC-NTK.xsd

Type: ntk:NtkPortionAccessType

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Type based on xsd:string
    • Pattern: ((([!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)(\s[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)*)?\s*#\s*([!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)(\s[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)*)|(([!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)(\s[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)*\s*#\s*(([!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)(\s[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+(\|[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+^[!$-\]_-\{\}~]+)+)*)?)
  • Used in

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